it’s 2023

Happy new year! (do I care that it’s already the 5th? no I don’t) It’s crazy that it’s 2023 already.

I took almost the whole month of December off and it was a much needed break. I’ve done a lot of reflecting, especially on New Years Eve and the first few days of the year.

2022 was a wild ride. It was my first full year as a full time artist. I made more working for myself than I did at my old office job. Which honestly, is still so crazy to me.

But even with all of that, I am anxious and scared for this year. The first half of 2022, I was still scared but took leaps anyway and something shifted in the second half of 2022 and my fear and anxiety got the best of me. I stopped taking as many chances. And that can’t happen anymore. Pushing past that fear and getting out of your comfort zone is one of the hardest things but the most necessary things.

Like a goal I have is to write in my blog more! Am I embarrassed that the last entry is from literally a year ago? Yes! I am!

I did complete about half of the goals I had for 2022, which I think is amazing considering they were (what I felt at the time) really out there goals. It is also very important to keep things in perspective. Like literally this time last year, I did not have health insurance and had been without it for about 6 months. Big goals matter but also the smaller ones are super important too.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the numbers and the day-to-day tasks and blaming things outside of our control (looking at you Instagram algorithm) but at the end of the day, it’s about fully throwing yourself into it. And not caring what people think of you. Which I need to get back to.

So it’s okay if you feel like you’ve kind of lost your way, I feel that way too. The import thing is to take steps (no matter how small) to get back to where you want to be.

Some of my 2023 goals:

Start a YouTube channel and post consistently; share more about me and my process; write more blog posts; have my first solo show; grow on TikTok & Instagram; possibly apply for grad school; and most importantly, make paintings that I’m really proud of.

Tell me what your 2023 goals are! I would love to hear them!

With love,



to 2022